Friday, December 25, 2009

a little touch of christmas

, originally uploaded by october rain.

how. simply. gorgeous.

family dinner and late church christmas eve. joyous.

christmas day. family. good wine. laughter.

great food. christmas trivia. bit of a bagging.

all in good fun.

too much sweet stuff. some lovely gifts.

handmade. or recycled. if possible.

another year. over.

{image: courtesy of dottie angel}

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

number 5

i think i am slightly addicted. to quilting.
i could spend hours. looking at. touching. fabric.
quiltsmith in annandale. sydney. my new. favourite. haunt.
was there on saturday. with kels. oh. the fun we had.
selected some lovelies. for my new quilt.
number 5.
popped into material obsession. hunters hill. on the way home.
you know. cause we had to. just as they were closing their doors.
we burst in. not to be put off.
found some scrumptious. to die for. flannalette. aaaah.
this handmade quilt from toast uk is my inspiration.
destined to become my favourite quilt.
so far.
stay tuned.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


17 years of nic today. our christmas treat.
a box of birds. sleep not required. treading on my head. in bed.
at 5am. charming.
took to a cricket bat. like it had always been attached.
left handed. who would have guessed.
all things sporty. his greatest love.
and yet. there's always room for a hug where nic's concerned.
always time for his little cousin. or his poppy.
full of loving. and feeling. that's our boy.
navigating 17 year-old-ness. it's not easy sometimes.
well. you are doing fine.
just fine.
happy birthday. nikolay davydenko.
celebrations. all round.
for god gave a party. in heaven. the day you were born.
when he saw just how happy you made us.
just by being.

{image}: cassia beck @ flickr

Friday, December 18, 2009

little holiday

enough rubber hitting the road. time for a little holiday.

to breathe. sleep. cry. clean out cupboards. sew. read. wrap. chat. laugh.


image: smallstump flickr

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


213: 9.1.07, originally uploaded by girlhula.

gets you through even the darkest of days. not that mine are as dark as some. far. far. from it.

the kind word. the unspoken word. the text. the smile. the phonecall. the laughter. the acknowledgement. the tears. the flowers. all lovely. all special.

but i think it's the not treating me any differently that i appreciate the most. taking the mickey. making me get my own coffee. still. still willing to talk. not pretending that it isn't there. but still treating me. like i am me. like i haven't gone away. that's love too. it's like really. strong. medicine. that's good. that's what i need.

so thanks for the love. in all the ways you have given it. it teaches me to love. better. next time you are hurting. i hope.

every cloud.

image: girlhula on flickr

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

and so it is

and so it is.

i got the news today.

more dcis. nowhere near the other lot. limits my options. greatly. kapow.

when your little pocket of life is turned. inside out. and round about. where is it that you turn. in what. or whom. do you trust. and cling to.

when all around my soul gives way. he then is all my hope and stay.

and so it is.

image: ffion flickr and freckled cup

Monday, December 7, 2009

little house on holland

quilting bee at the little house on holland. glee.

ruth got the ball rolling for everyone. first ever quilt for cath. on the new sewing machine. spanking. a gorgeous avalon (window pane) quilt. belatedly for hamish. very manly. very hamish. big tick. lots of oohing and aahing. achievement.

got me going with blanket stitch. and sorting. and pondering. for the vintage quilt. a heart for a house full of love. and some birds. one big. and one small. one nic. one annie. cutesville.

taylah stitched a heart too. i was in competition with a 6 year old. who stitched and concentrated. far beyond her years. beautiful. allysa played saddle club. and was happy to potter. in and out of the bee.

vene pinned. and sorted. and encouraged. and poured tea and bubbles. very handy.

all the while ruth somehow managed to embroider her masterpiece. pinks and cream and greens. very. neat. stitching. unlike mine. sigh.

tea was consumed. and champagne. and thai food. a tad more champagne. and chocolate. placed in the mouth so as to not upset the needlework. healthy chatter. catching up. dogs barked. new plans made. once a term. you're on. a late but very successful afternoon. slash evening.

as ruth said. the start of something wonderful.

photos: {courtesy of ruth}