still falling in love.
after 20 years.
something to celebrate.
i reckon.
"I love thee, I love but thee
With a love that shall not die
Till the sun grows cold
And the stars grow old."
~William Shakespeare~
...a little blog of my life, inspirations, thoughts... and the reasons why i love the things i do
Anon here. Sad, very, very sad, but only for a moment as she remembers that we can still laugh and cry together and share the triumphs and tragedies of our everyday living. This journey will continue to have its speed bumps but, with each obstacle comes a checkpoint; Robyn, Cath, that gorgeous man we called Dog, your children, your family members, God and the St Paul's community. And always there is anon. Quietly lurking in the background and ready to leap in at anytime to help you through. The power of friendship has never been more important.