we can't change what is.
we can't undo the past or the things over which we have no control.
and no say in.
we can only take hold of today.
and make of tomorrow what we can.
keeping our dreams intact.
keeping our path straight. lest we stray.
and lose ourselves.
in the process.
thank you for not allowing me.
to get lost.
in all of this.
come with me won't you?
come with me towards the light.
it's just around the bend.
i can see it. taste it. feel it.
even if you can't.
i have strength enough.
for both of us.
trust me.

{image via The Drifter and the Gypsy Flickr}
Lovely photos from a lovely lady, my love and arms are around you but be sure that Gods are bigger,stronger and able to do marvelous things.